Bug Report

Found a bug and want to report it straight away? Click the "Contact" button or send an email directly support@scythedigitaledition.com!

Please follow the guideline and include as many details as possible!
  1.   Your in-game nick.
  2.   Platform and OS version. (Windows/Android/IOS and version e.g. Android 9)
  3.   Game mode. (Single Player vs Bots or Online Mode - Play & Stay or Play & Go).
  4.   Describe the problem in details. At what situation it happen? Did you attempt to reproduce it? Don't hesitate to write about everything related to the bug you found!
  5.   Screenshots and videos are much appreciated.
  6.   You can always share your output_log file with us. It should be in this location C:\Users\(username)\AppData\LocalLow\TKoU\Scyth (This is for PC version only!)

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